The registration for the conference “Modern Israel: From State in Construction to State Facing Challenges” is now open



On October 14–15, 2018, the international conference “Modern Israel: From State in Construction to State Facing Challenges” will take place in Kyiv. It is organized by the Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies.

The researchers from Canada, the USA, Germany, Israel, Poland, Sweden, the UK, and Ukraine will participate in this event.

Feedbacks of the participants of the academic internship in Israel in 2018

From July 22 till August 19, 2018, five MA students and one PhD student of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy have participated in academic Jewish Studies Internship for the Advanced Students and Junior Faculty at the International Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), relevant Israeli libraries and archives. The photographs from the internship can be found here.


UAJS congratulates on the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel



Today is 70 years since the proclamation of the State of Israel. The Israeli universities are highly ranked in the world. Scholars from Israel regularly make important inventions and win the most prestigious awards. Over decades, Israeli academic centers have taken leading positions in Jewish Studies, setting high standards for research in this field.