Публічна лекція Бернарда Сассера «Non-Jewish Jews: How Ex-Soviet Jews Were Sociologically Converted» (23 січня 2019)




Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія», кафедра історії, магістерська програма з юдаїки, Єврейський університет у Єрусалимі, Українська асоціація юдаїки та Ізраїльський культурний центр при Посольстві Держави Ізраїль в Україні запрошують відвідати публічну лекцію Бернарда Сассера «Non-Jewish Jews: How ex-Soviet Jews were sociologically converted».

Лекція відбудеться 23 січня 2019 року о 18:00 в офісі програм з юдаїки НаУКМА (вул. Волоська 8/5, корпус 5, підвальне приміщення, ауд. 2).

The lecture deals with what can be described as “non-Jewish Jews”: the hundreds of thousand immigrants from the ex-Soviet Union who are not Jewish according to Jewish law (Halacha) but who receive automatic citizenship because their family includes halachical Jews. The difficulty in defining and identifying these immigrants presents a striking case study of the difficulties in setting the limits of Jewish identity. Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has lurched and faltered over the past three decades in its attempts to categorize this demographic cohort. 

Bernard (Baruch) Susser was The Senator Paterson Professor of Politics at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. He is currently Professor Emeritus. After receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia University he immigrated to Israel (1969). His main fields of interest are political philosophy and comparative politics (especially Israeli politics). He has served as Chairman of the Israel Political Science Association. Professor Susser has held visiting positions at the universities in the USA, Germany, the Republic of South Africa, and China. He has authored and edited 18 books relating to political thought, modern ideologies, and Israeli politics.

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