Call for Papers
International Conference
“Modern Israel: From State in Construction to State Facing Challenges”
October 14–15, 2018, Kyiv
Organizer: Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies
The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies is pleased to announce its 2018 conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel.
The two-day conference will deal with both the pre-state (1880s–1948) era and the period after the establishment of the State of Israel (1948–present). It will focus (but will not be strictly limited) to such subjects as Zionism, Palestine (in the late Ottoman era and under the British mandate), the State of Israel at different times from political, economic, cultural, human rights, and other perspectives. Topics related to the Ukrainian roots of Zionism and modern Israel are highly encouraged.
The keynote speakers of the conference are Prof. Alan Craig (University of Leeds, UK) and Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin (University of Montreal, Canada).
The conference language will be English.
Participants should submit registration forms with abstracts (250 words).
The registration form can be found at
There is no conference fee. The organizers and their sponsors will provide the participants with accommodation and board. It would be appreciated, if the participants could find possibilities to cover any travel expenses from their home institutions. If not possible, a submitter should mention that he or she will need a reimbursement of travel costs.
The submission deadline is June 15, 2018.
Decisions will be announced by July 1, 2018.
If you have any questions due to this announcement, please contact Dr. Vitaly Chernoivanenko at