The names of Marten Feller and Zhanna Kovba UAJS Book Award winners were announced by the jury.
In 2021, it was decided to split the award between two nominees:
- Yuriy Skira — for the book Poklykani: Monakhy Studiis'koho Ustavu ta Holokost (Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 2019. 272 p.);
- Petro Chorniy — for the book Etnichni hrupy Halychyny mizhvoiennoho periodu. Mizhetnichne (spiv)zhyttia ta sotsiokul'turni transformatsii (Lviv: The Ethnology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018 [published in 2019]. 316 p.).
The awarding ceremony will take place in fall 2021.
UAJS Board congratulates Yuriy Skira and Petro Chorniy and wishes their work to be fruitful!