Міні-курс Роберта Шварцвальда «Canadian Jewish Modernities, 1920–1950» (17–19 квітня 2018)



Магістерська програма з юдаїки в НаУКМА, кафедра історії НаУКМА, Монреальський університет і Українська асоціація юдаїки запрошують на міні-курс Роберта Шварцвальда «Canadian Jewish Modernities, 1920–1950».

Лекції відбудуться 17–19 квітня 2018 року в офісі програм з юдаїки НаУКМА (вул. Волоська 8/5, корпус 5, підвальне приміщення, ауд. 2).

Опис курсу:

In the early twentieth century, the Jewish presence in Canada burgeoned with the arrival of mainly Yiddish-speaking immigrants from Eastern Europe. They brought with them a diverse cultural, political, and religious heritage already grappling with modernity, but now obligated to so in relation to entrenched Anglo-Protestant economic power and a culturally protectionist Roman Catholic society in French-speaking Quebec, each rife in its own way with prejudicial and discriminatory attitudes towards Jews. The lectures examine three key moments in the re-articulation of a Jewish modernist project in a period marked by broader societal divisions over workers’ rights and social mobility, as well as over international issues such as the Civil War in Spain, sympathy in Quebec for the Vichy collaborationist régime, and the debate over Palestine and Birobidzhan as Jewish homelands.

Про лектора:

Robert Schwartzwald is a Professor in the Department of Literatures and Languages of the World at the Université de Montréal, where he directs the Graduate Certificate in Jewish Studies and the Master’s program in International Studies. He is a recipient of the Governor General’s International Award for Canadian Studies and a former Editor of the International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue internationale d’études canadiennes.

Розклад лекцій:
17 квітня, вівторок, 11:40,
18 квітня, середа, 11:40,
19 квітня, четвер, 13:30

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